Blurring The Self (2021-24)

Verónica Peña, Assistant: Sara Cowdell
“Blurring The Self” is a participatory performance, and a video-art work about the dissolution of barriers, the metamorphosis of the self, and the understanding of others. For this performative experience, Verónica Peña invites participants to submerge the face in a small water receptacle, challenging limitations and individuality through a repetitive gesture of the head, an underwater headshake—a gesture of disagreement in some cultures, of affirmation in others. Participants are recorded while dissolving the barriers of color that initially floated inside the water, and their individual experiences edited into a collective video portraying the underwater metamorphosis of the self in each search for individual/collective harmony. Each participant receives a photo-portray of their participation.

Date and Time:

Saturday, 11 am – 3 pm Sunday, 11 am – 3 pm


Creative Space/Garden

Trigger warnings:

Verónica Peña Blurring The Self 04
Verónica Peña bioshot sq color


VERÓNICA PEÑA (Spain/US) is an interdisciplinary performance artist, independent curator, and international-community advocate. Her work explores absence, separation, and the search for harmony through Performance Art, underwater submersion, and audience participation. Peña performs/exhibits primarily in Europe, and America: Museo Ex Teresa (Mexico, 2022), Museo La Neomudéjar (Madrid, 2022), Satellite Art Fair (Miami Art Week), Queens Museum, Times Square, Armory Show, others. Peña received a FCA Grant 2022, Creative Capital NYC Taller 2020, Franklin Furnace Fund 2018, published “The Presence Of The Absent”, was reviewed by Donald Kuspit, and on Hyperallergic. She leads Performance Art Open Call, a +39,000 FB Community. She received an MFA from Stony Brook University.