Dance Library


Free Event

“Dance Library” is a human and choreographic library in which artists are available for a few hours, transforming their bodies into “living books” to share with the public memories linked to dances that marked their lives and contexts. Around the tables, stories are constructed through gestures, movements, words, conversations and affection. Each book-artist occupies one of the library’s tables and offers the public their chapter-scenes. To watch the work, visitors make their own journey through different tables, being able to arrive at any time and stay for as long as they wish throughout the presentation hours.

Date and Time:

Saturday, 1:30 – 4:30 pm


Tūranga, F03, between the shelves

Trigger warnings:

Dance Library works with the proximity of artists and audience. Visitors sit around a table with the artists.
Dance Library Neto Machado Jorge Alencar photo by Cayo Vieira
Jorge Alencar e Neto Machado Dance Library by Patricia Almeida_square


Dimenti is a platform for artistic works and projects coordinated by Ellen Mello, Jorge Alencar, Larissa Lacerda and Neto Machado. Existing in Salvador – Bahia since 1998, Dimenti is a strong presence in the Brazilian performing arts scene, also connecting it with other fields such as audiovisual, curatorship, writing, education. Nowadays, Dimenti runs a venue named “Casa Arte dá Trabalho”, a place that embraces the works of the collective itself and other artists. Since 2006, the group has also been responsible for the festival “IC Encontro de Artes”.